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Multiple choice exercise (taking and leaving simple telephone message)

Choose a, b, c or d for the correct answer.

1. Caller: . . . . . . . May I speak to Mr. Rudy?
Receptionist: I'm sorry Mr. Rudy has just left his office ten minutes ago.
a. Hi everyone
b. Hello, My name is Rizky
c. Hello, Rudy's company
d. Hello, Who's speaking

2. Receptionist: . . . . . .
Caller: I would like to speak to the sales manager please.
a. Hello, Who's calling?
b. Hello, my name is Eva.
c. Hello, can I help you?
d. Hello, may I talk to sales manager please.

3. Caller: Hello this is Neezar . . . . . . Could I speak to Mrs. Dessy please?
Receptionist: Sure.
a. I'm from Dimensi Bahasa Inggris
b. May I leave a message
c. Who am I talking with
d. Hello my name is Daniel

4. Caller: Hello I'm Karen from Lotty the Italian restaurant. . . . . .
Call receiver: I'm so sorry that extension is busy at this moment.
a. May I speak to that extension?

b. Could you connect me to the extension 24?
c. Do you know the extension 24?
d. I'll connect you to extension 24.

5. Caller: Hello, my name is Daryl.
Receptionist: Hello . . . . . Can I help you?
a. Who is speaking?
b. I am your receptionist.
c. Thanks for calling DBI corporation.
d. DBI corporation.

6. Ferry: Hello . . . . I'm calling from Tech n' Lifestyle Magazine.
Leanna: Hello, Tokichi computer. What can I do for you Sir?
a. Can I speak to Mr. Tokichi
b. Hello, I am Leanna
c. this is Leanna
d. this is Ferry

7. Connie: Good morning, I'm Connie.
Sarah: Good morning. . . . . .
Connie: I would like to speak to Mss. Ranti please.
a. Hello, this is Fancy Cafe.
b. Fancy Cafe, how may I direct your call?
c. Thanks for calling Fancy Cafe.
d. My name is Sarah. I will deliver your message.

8. Tino: Hello, am I calling Blaire Cake n' Bread?
Waiter: Hello, yes this is Balire Cake n' Bread. . . . . .
Tino: Yes, I'm Tino. I would like to check my birthday cake order. The order number is 283. Is the cake ready?
Waiter: Yes Sir. your cake is ready.
a. What can I do for you?
b. My name is John.
c. Would you like to order a cake?
d. Who is speaking?

9. Manda: Hello, good afternoon.
Ferdinand: Helllo, good afternoon. Golden bay hotel. . . . . . How may I help you?
a. Who am I talking with?
b. Can I have your name please
c. My name is Ferdinand
d. Is Manda speaking?

10. Tiara: Hello, Ericsson telecommunication. Can I help you?
Pino: I would like to speak to Mr. Ericsson please.
Tiara: . . . . . You'll be speaking with him in a sec.
Pino: Thank you.
a. Just a moment please.
b. I'm sorry he is busy at this moment.
c. Can you call back in five minutes.
d. Would you like to leave a message?

11. Randy: Hi, I'm Randy from RKO Inc. I called you a half hour ago to talk to Mr. Chris. Is he at his office now?
Nikki: I'm afraid . . . . . I believe he's heading to the office.
a. Mr. Chris is available.
b. You need to call back 15 minutes later
c. Mr. Chris will be at his office.
d. You can't talk to Mr. Chris

12. Caller: I need to talk to Mrs. Fiona.
Secretary: . . . . . If you don't mind waiting, Mrs. Fiona will finish her phone call.
a. I'll connect you to Mrs. Fiona.
b. Mrs. Fiona will call you back.
c. I'm sorry, Mrs. Fiona is having another phone call.
d. I'm sorry. Mrs. Fiona is on meeting.

13. Caller: Is Mr. Georgy in the office.
Receptionist: Yes he is. May I know who's calling?
Caller: I'm Evan from DT Foundation. May I speak to him?
Receptionist: . . . . .
Caller: It's ok. I understand.
a. One moment please, I'll check if he is available.
b. Would you like me to tell him that you called?
c. Could you hold the line please, I'll connect you to him.
d. I'm sorry, I'm afraid He's not able to answer your call, He is busy right now.

14. Caller: Hello, I'm Evelyn. May I speak to Edward please?
Receptionist: I'm sorry I don't catch your name. . . . . . ?
Caller: It's E-V-E-L-Y-N.
a. Who am I talking to
b. Who are you
c. Can you spell your name
d. Can I write your message

15. Oliver: Hello, good morning. I'm Oliver from Queen corporation. I would like to speak to the HRD manager please.
Ross: The HRD manager is not at the office this time. . . . . .
Oliver: Please tell him to call me back.
a. Can you wait a moment?
b. Can you hold the line?
c. Can you call me back?
d. Can I write your message?

16. Waitress: Hello, Chump Bucket Restaurant. Can I help you?
Patrick: Hello, I am Patrick. Can I speak to Mr. Peterlankton?
Waitress: He is busy right now.  . . . . .
Patrick: It's not necessary. I'll call him later.
a. You need to leave a message.
b. Would you like to leave a message?
c. Would you like to call him back?
d. Wait a minute.

17. Anita: Hello, Dimensi Bahasa Inggris Enterprise, what can I do for you?
Lex: Hello, I would like to speak to Mr. Neezar pelase.
Anita: I'm sorry, Mr. Neezar is on meeting at this moment.  . . . . . .
Lex: Sure, thank you. Just tell him I called.
a. Would you like me to tell him that you called?
b. May I write down your message?
c. May I know who's calling?
d. Could you call him back?

18. Secretary: Hello, DBI corporation, how may I direct your call?
Dessy: Could you connect me to the extension 7? I would like to speak to Daryl.
Secretary: . . . . .
Dessy: Thank you, I'll hold the line.
a. Would you like to leave a message?
b. Wait a minute please, you will be connected to extension 7.
c. I'm sorry the extension 7 is not available.
d. I'm afraid the extension 7 is busy at this moment.

19. Daryl: Could I speak to Mr. Andzar please.
Stephanie: Mr. Andzar has just left the office 5 minutes ago. Would you like to leave a message?
Daryl: . . . . .
Stephanie: Sure, I'll deliver your message.
Daryl: Thank you.
a. I'll call him when he's back.
b. I don't have any message.
c. No problem, I'll call him later.
d. Let him know that the meeting for tomorrow is canceled.

20. Dessy: Hello, you're calling Dimensi Bahasa Inggris. How may I help you?
Daryl: Hello, I'm Daryl from DBI corporation, I would like to speak to Mr. Nizar please.
Dessy: Mr. Nizar is having a guest this moment. He'll be available 10 mintes later.
Is there anything else I can do for you?
Daryl: No thanks. I'll call him later.
Dessy: . . . . . .
a. Would you like me to tell him that you called?

b. Would you like to leave a message?
c. Thanks for calling Dimensi Bahasa Inggris.
d. You are welcome.

Baca jugaMateri Taking and Leaving Simple Telephone Message dan Contoh Dialognya

Answer key

Jika teman-teman memerlukan kunci jawaban soal PG taking and leaving simple telephone message di atas, silahkan cek kunci jawabannya di bawah.

1. b. Hello, My name is Rizky
2. c. Hello, can I help you?
3. a. I'm from Dimensi Bahasa Inggris
4. b. Could you connect me to the extension 24?
5. d. DBI corporation.

6. d. this is Ferry
7. b. Fancy Cafe, how may I direct your call?
8. a. What can I do for you?
9. c. My name is Ferdinand
10. a. Just a moment please.

11. b. You need to call back 15 minutes later
12. c. I'm sorry, Mrs. Fiona is having another phone call.
13. d. I'm sorry, I'm afraid He's not able to answer your call, He is busy right now.
14. c. Can you spell your name
15. d. Can I write your message?

16. b. Would you like to leave a message?
17. a. Would you like me to tell him that you called?
18. b. Wait a minute please, you will be connected to extension 7.
19. d. Let him know that the meeting for tomorrow is canceled.
20. c. Thanks for calling Dimensi Bahasa Inggris.

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